An auto accident can cause many different issues. It can throw your neck, spine, or even your entire body out of alignment. We work with you to find the exact cause of each issue and help you through exercises as well as administering regular chiropractic care. Our primary focus is chiropractic treatment. However, we also assist with the other aspects of medical-legal treatment including the necessary documentation and communication with the responsible parties and/or medical legal representation. The goal is for you to reach pre-injury status as quickly and safely as possible.
The most common injury from an auto accident is whiplash. It’s the sudden movement of the head being pushed quickly backward and then forward or side to side. Whiplash destabilizes your spine and can cause pain in other areas of your body. You may notice pain in the shoulders, neck, back, and/or extremities as well as blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, and much more. Other areas of the body are also affected by motor vehicle collisions, falls, and personal injuries.
Too often, individuals involved in a car wreck or who suffer a fall have minimal or no symptoms until weeks after the injury. In fact, it could take weeks or even months to notice the full effects of an accident. Chiropractic care is important after a car accident; if the effects go untreated, they can become long-term problems that will continue to affect you years down the road. Even if you have a minor auto accident, you should still see a chiropractor to ensure that everything is in proper alignment.
It is essential, in cases of negligence and harm from another party to obtain a timely evaluation and/or receive the required treatment for the injuries sustained. Failure to do so may impede your ability to receive the care you need. This includes, but is not limited to, any reimbursement, insurance claims, future medical bills, pain and suffering, and compensation for work loss. It’s important not only to receive immediate treatment for any injuries, but also to document their extent. We encourage clients to at least obtain a legal opinion; however, we will provide services whether you have hired an attorney or plan to manage the case yourself. We can make recommendations for legal aid. We support small businesses and refer to well-established, experienced attorneys who know your name versus the larger firms though, of course, we have worked with most legal firms.
At Tucson Chiropractic Center, we focus on helping you get back to feeling like yourself again after an auto accident, fall, or personal injury. We’re devoted to helping you obtain the most comprehensive treatments available so you can maintain your quality of life after an injury and get back to doing everything you did before. It can be a scary time, not to mention the stress of the unknown if there’s a personal injury claim. We make it our goal to ensure that you get well as quickly as possible while keeping stress at a minimum throughout treatment.
If you have any questions regarding chiropractic care after an auto accident, contact us today at (520) 323-8989.